Friday, September 16, 2011


Tofu Adobo with sauteed Portobello Mushrooms, Organic Spinach, Organic Asparagus and Organic Brown Rice

Here is one of my fav meals I make, it has the flavor of Adobo ( A traditional Filipino dish usually cooked with meat such as pork or chicken but of course this is a vegetarian version of Adobo I made with Tofu)

Tofu Adobo
Ingredients: (Try to use organic as much as possible)
Organic sliced tofu (sliced as you like but just thick enough in size)
1/2 cup lemon juice
6 pieces of slice lemon
1/2 cup of soy sauce or bragg aminos
dried bay leaves
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp raw sugar or honey
1/2 tsp black pepper
sliced ginger (about 1/4 cup)
1 tbsp of Olive oil
1 tsp of Sesame oil
1. Drain and slice the tofu and pan fry, set aside.
2. Slice the lemon and ginger and set aside.
3. In a bowl combine the soy sauce, lemon juice, bay leaves, salt, pepper and sugar stir well, this will be our adobo sauce.
4. In a hot pot, put the oil and sauté’ the sliced lemon, ginger and about 3 pieces of bay leaves.
5. Stir in the fried tofu and let it simmer for 2 minutes.
6. Add the adobo sauce,mix well and make sure that the tofu are fully coated with the sauce, simmer for 2 -3 minutes then add the sesame oil.

7. Add the Portobello Mushrooms, Organic Spinach and Organic Asparagus. Cook for a couple of minutes max, not too long as you want the Spinach to be moist and Asparagus crispy.

You can however leave this overnight to soak up into the Tofu for a more strong/bold flavor.

8. Serve with freshly cooked Organic Brown Rice 

Tip: Try to remember never to over cook your food too long you want your vegetables to be nice and crisp retaining flavor and more importantly the nutrients it contains.

Bon Appetite! :)

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